Course details

Location Poelmann van de Broek Nijmegen

Date: 01-10-2024

Commencement: 14.00

Time: 2:30-5 p.m.

Level: Advanced

Cost for this course:

€395,- ex VAT

Customers receive a 15% discount.

This course is taught by:

Juuk Hulshof

Juuk Hulshof

Thijs Cornel

Thijs Cornel

What to expect.

In this workshop, our specialists Juuk Hulshof and Thijs Cornel will share best practices regarding the Environment Act. Attention will be paid to the practical use of the new instruments under the Environment Act, such as environmental permits and environmental plans. Using (practice) cases, Juuk and Thijs will illustrate the new systematics of the law, giving you a clear picture of how to apply these instruments in practice.

The following topics will be covered through practical examples:

  • Procedures (regular or extended)
  • Advisory right of city council
  • The duty to participate
  • Using Rules on the Map and the Environment Counter

To encourage interactive discussions and knowledge exchange, there will be plenty of room for your input, questions, experiences and dilemmas surrounding working with this law.

Purpose workshop

Discussing practical issues surrounding the Environment Act, sharing best practices, experiences and practical tips. In addition, practicing with cases promotes familiarity and familiarity with the new tools. Moreover, this workshop provides an opportunity to share mutual experiences between participants, actively reflecting on the knowledge and experiences acquired after three quarters of a year of the Environment Act.

At the end of this workshop you will have completely mastered the theory and practice. Of course, you will also be given the necessary tips and tricks that you can use in practice.


Project managers, developers, acquirers, directors, management, corporate lawyers within the construction and real estate industry. The level of this course is advanced.


This workshop is also available in-house upon request. Please contact us at 

Location, duration and cost

Poelmann van den Broek office attorneys, Wijchenseweg 10 in Nijmegen. The course lasts 2.5 hours and costs € 395. This course is also available in-house or customized.



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