Hourly rate

We work with different hourly rates. The amount is determined by the seniority of the lawyer. Which lawyer we use depends on the complexity of the case and your personal wishes. Either way, we will make clear agreements with you in advance. Does your assignment need to be completed within a short period of time? Then we will continue working for you in the evenings and on weekends. We do charge a surcharge in relation to the normal hourly rate.

Customization based on fixed price

In certain cases, we can make a fixed fee arrangement for you. The condition is that our lawyers are able to estimate in advance how much work will be involved in your assignment.


In the Netherlands, 'success fees' are prohibited within the legal profession. However, in some cases we can agree a higher or lower hourly rate based on predetermined criteria - such as the outcome of a negotiation or procedure.


Do you have many legal questions that can be dealt with briefly? Then a subscription is a good option. Our lawyers will then give you verbal, concise advice. Only when further research or deepening is required, we will make additional arrangements.