Antoinette Niebeek and Lieke Brouns sworn in!

On July 28, 2017, Antoinette Niebeek and Lieke Brouns were sworn in at the Arnhem District Court. After being sworn in, both ladies can call themselves junior lawyers. Antoinette focuses on service area Labor and Lieke on service area Construction.

Date: July 31, 2017

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

On July 28, 2017, Antoinette Niebeek and Lieke Brouns were sworn in at the Arnhem District Court. After being sworn in, both ladies can call themselves lawyers. Antoinette focuses on service area Labor and Lieke on service area Construction.

A funny detail: the oath or promise taken during the swearing in ceremony dates back to 1810 and was prescribed by Napoleon:

I swear (promise) fidelity to the King, obedience to the Constitution, deference to the judicial authorities, and that I will not recommend or defend a cause, which I do not believe in good faith to be just.

Essentially, they promise to uphold the five core values of a good lawyer:

Naturally, we as colleagues are very happy for Antoinette and Lieke. After the swearing-in there was therefore a festive drink at the Poelmann van den Broek office together with friends and family.

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