Getting started as a legal assistant after your internship; Nine Blom explains

Because of the approaching end of her master's degree in Civil Law, Nine began to orient herself in advance to the job market. At Poelmann van den Broek there was a nice vacancy for the position of legal assistant. The vacancy matched her interests perfectly and she decided to apply. After a nice conversation she got the chance to come and prove herself as a student intern. An opportunity she seized with both hands.

Date: October 13, 2020

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Because of the approaching end of her master's degree in Civil Law, Nine began to orient herself in advance to the job market. At Poelmann van den Broek there was a nice vacancy open for the position of legal assistant. "The vacancy matched my interests perfectly and I decided - even though I still had to finish my master's - to apply." One nice interview further, she was given the opportunity to come and prove herself as a student intern. An opportunity Nine grabbed with both hands.


"The student internship gave me the opportunity to discover the office. And that has been a positive experience. From day one I have been involved in interesting cases and despite the rather low staffing in the office due to the coronavirus, I have been enthusiastically received." Nine continues: "Partly because of the involvement within the office, I still got a good picture of Poelmann van den Broek. It is interesting to be part of a firm with many different areas of expertise which means that specialist knowledge is available on all kinds of subjects."

Learning environment

As a student intern, Nine primarily supported the attorneys of the rental and real estate team. "My tasks ranged from writing internal notes to writing draft opinions and doing case law research." Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, it was not possible for her to attend hearings and no office-wide activities took place. "A learning environment was created from the team by providing feedback on the assignments I completed. So as still, I experienced my internship as educational, challenging and versatile."

Advancement opportunities

That the firm offers advancement opportunities, by the way, has also become apparent. "In the position of legal assistant, I will continue to support the rental and real estate team during the completion of my thesis. For the time being, of course, from home, but I have the quiet hope of experiencing a fun office drink soon!"

We are always looking for motivated student interns

Are you a driven law student and at least in your third year? Then come join us as an intern and get to know the various service areas of our firm. For more information click here.

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