Unhealthy savings behavior

We Dutch are savers. Points at the gas station, soccer cards at the supermarket and stamps at the clothing store. We can't help it, it's in our genes. Nothing wrong with that, but it is not always beneficial for every person involved. A good example is vacation days. These too are often saved up adrift. Always easy for later, we think. This creates enormous balances of vacation hours with employers, nicely expressed in the term leave dams

Date: November 21, 2016

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

We Dutch are savers. Points at the gas station, soccer cards at the supermarket and stamps at the clothing store. We can't help it, it's in our genes. Nothing wrong with that, but it is not always beneficial for every person involved. A good example is vacation days. These too are often saved up adrift. Always easy for later, we think. This creates enormous balances of vacation hours with employers, nicely expressed in the term leave dams. Employers are generally not happy about this, because it can be a major financial setback when an employment contract is terminated. In tough times, that can have quite an impact on the health of your business.

Now that many companies are quiet because of the recession, employers are wondering how to reduce those leave accumulations. Of course, you can agree in employment contracts or the collective bargaining agreement on the maximum number of vacation days to be accrued. Furthermore, you cannot simply force employees to take vacation days. That's true, but you can consult with them. Explain the impact of a large number of vacation hours on the company's financial position. Employees are often completely unaware of this.

A good explanation already brings a lot of understanding. After all, it is also in the employee's interest to keep the company healthy. That argument applies even to the long-term sick, who accrue a good number of vacation hours. Sick is sick, you may think. Yes, but even then there are options. A secretary with a bruised finger can enjoy a week on the beach in Curaçao. Consult the company doctor about this. Can this person go on vacation? Are there no risks involved? Then discuss it with the employee. Make it clear that even during illness, he or she can still contribute to the continuity of the company. By holding employees accountable, you ensure that savings decrease.

What's more, vacation days are then finally used for what they are meant for; for relaxation and to build up energy. And that kind of saving is healthy for everyone.

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