Proforto conquers business market with online corporate apparel

The start-up Proforto of Jelle Gudden (28) and Rik Burgersdijk (27) is successful in selling corporate clothing online. In 2015, they were still the best start-up webshop in the Netherlands ... this year, together with Prince Constantijn, they visited Internet giant Alibaba. Poelmann van den Broek provides legal guidance to these energetic guys. Does such a steep growth curve also sometimes have a dip? The guys tell you in this episode of Start-ups & Downs.

Date: June 19, 2017

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Tom Teggelaar

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The start-up Proforto of Jelle Gudden (28) and Rik Burgersdijk (27) is successful in selling corporate clothing online. In 2015, they were still the best start-up webshop in the Netherlands ... this year, together with Prince Constantijn, they visited Internet giant Alibaba. Poelmann van den Broek provides legal guidance to these energetic guys. Does such a steep growth curve also sometimes have a dip? The guys tell you in this episode of Start-ups & Downs.

Proforto's success is based on Jelle Gudden and Rik Burgersdijk's insight that the business market is also charmed by the convenience and service of online shopping. Proforto now has the largest range of workwear and work shoes in Europe and delivers the order the next day with a few mouse clicks.

No difference between B2B and B2C

Together with Rik, Jelle already had a few webshops such as for pajamas. He explains how he came up with the idea for Proforto: "During a network meeting, I met a salesman who mainly supplies companies. We exchanged our experiences, talked about sales techniques and customer requirements. After that conversation, Rik and I figured out that there is actually an unnatural distinction between business-to-business and business-to-consumer. In both cases you are dealing with a person of flesh and blood, who knows exactly what he wants and doesn't feel like fussing. This is how our webshop in business clothing came into being. Soon we were at 40 orders a day and it became more and more."

Gone cash flow

Totally focused on meeting customer demand and keeping up with rapid growth, Jelle and Rik think nothing of building in reserves. Rik: "Imagine... Two young guys who within a few months see the turnover grow from ten thousand to a million euros. And then suddenly the orders don't materialize because the vacation season arrives. Gone cash flow. That was a serious low point."

Exclude risks

Fortunately, it ends well. Rabobank recognizes the company's potential and offers help in the form of financing. Now everything gains momentum. The accountant tips Jelle and Rik to review the sales and purchase agreements. That's how they come into contact with Tom Teggelaar of Poelmann van den Broek. Rik laughs, "The accountant literally said: if you are looking for a good one, you have to have Tom. And that's right. He knows that we drop out when things get too legal and that we don't let people tell us anything. Excluding all risks one hundred percent, for example, is not for us. Tom saves us from the really big dangers, so perfect."

New expertise

By now, Proforto has actually transcended start-up status. Turnover has grown to several billion. But precisely because they are growing fast, they keep ending up in a new, unknown phase in which they can make good use of help from experienced business owners . For example, they regularly receive advice from the founders of Jelle: "I am proud of that, that they like us and take the trouble to invest time and energy in our company. We can really use that. We are still growing fast, we need new expertise all the time."

You're dealing with a flesh-and-blood human being who knows exactly what he wants and doesn't feel like fussing. - Jelle Gudden, co-founder Proforto

Want to know more about Proforto?


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