Tip when intending to reorganize: our webinar on Employee Participation

Many companies are currently struggling as a result of the corona crisis. In our daily practice we see that more and more companies have to reorganize. We receive various questions about this, but the subject of employee participation is a hot topic.

Date: November 26, 2020

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Many companies are currently struggling as a result of the corona crisis. In our daily practice we see that more and more companies have to reorganize. We receive various questions about this, but the subject of employee participation is a hot topic.

And understandably so: the works council plays an important role in a reorganization. For example, the works council must be involved in the decision-making process in good time. After all, the works council is entitled to an advisory right to the proposed decision to reorganize. But perhaps the works council also has an advisory right to the appointment of an external expert to guide the reorganization process.

The works council can also play an important role in creating support on the shop floor, to mitigate some of the impact of the reorganization and prevent the "laggards" from becoming demotivated.  

It is important to determine whether the works council may exercise participation rights and, if so, what is the right time to involve the works council and how the process will proceed.

Not involving the works council, or not involving it properly, can lead to (major) delays in the implementation of the reorganization, in extreme cases because the works council takes the route to the Enterprise Chamber. But it can also lead to a difficult relationship between business owner and the works council. This is annoying because the works council also has other rights (such as the right of consent) and remains an important discussion partner within the organization even after the reorganization. It is therefore important to streamline cooperation as much as possible.

Are you planning to reorganize and would you like to know more about the role of and cooperation with the works council in this process? Then we would like to refer you to the webinar that Ruud Olde and I recently gave on employee participation. The topics mentioned above and more are discussed in detail.  


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