Four-day Thursday = Hammer Party

On the Thursday of the Nijmegen Four-Day Walk it was time again: the Hammer Party! Together with our relations, we cheered on the thousands of walkers at this beautiful spot right on the Four Days Marches course and enjoyed the Four Days Marches spectacle.

Date: July 25, 2017

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The Thursday of the Nijmegen Four-Day Walk was the day: the Hammer Party 2017! Together with our relations, we cheered on the thousands of walkers and enjoyed the four-day spectacle at this beautiful spot right on the four-day course.

This 10th edition organized in cooperation with service club The Round Table 11 was even more crowded than previous years. This is also good news for the two charities we support with this: Koprol Foundation and Karuna Foundation.

We thank all the relations for the fun and hope you will be there again next year!

Super taken care of, was fun, thanks for the invitation!

Thanks anyway, my baptism of fire from the Nijmegen 4 days was successful ;-)

It was another great fest. We enjoyed it!

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