What can you learn from a student internship at Poelmann van den Broek? Sara Bergkamp tells

It has been 8 weeks since Sara Bergkamp started her office-wide student internship at Poelmann van den Broek. She is currently working on her master's degree in Civil Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, but was eager to gain practical experience. She worked for all service areas of the firm during her internship, but her focus was mainly on rental and real estate law.

Date: June 22, 2018

Modified November 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

It has been 8 weeks since Sara Bergkamp started her office-wide student internship at Poelmann van den Broek. She is currently working on her master's degree in Civil Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, but was eager to gain practical experience. During her internship, she worked for all of the firm's service areas, but her main focus was on rental and real estate law.

Work of a lawyer

Sara received many different assignments that gave her a broad picture of what the work of a lawyer is: "Being involved in everything from the beginning gave me the chance to really see how a lawyer works. I was able to write internal memos, draft subpoenas, attend meetings with clients and attend a hearing. What I noticed is that a lawyer really needs to read a document, such as a lease or a subdivision deed, thoroughly from beginning to end because it almost always contains ambiguities."

Rental law in practice

"During my master's I took the subject of rental law, but during my internship I learned that rental law encompasses so much more than what I had thought beforehand," Sara said. Her preference for rental and real estate law was confirmed by the practical experience she gained: "Actually, I only became more enthusiastic about rental and real estate law. For example, VvE law was not discussed during lectures, but I did have the opportunity to assist in a VvE case. I especially enjoyed searching for literature and case law on ambiguities in this case. In addition, I helped draft the summons."

Open and informal atmosphere

When you walk through the corridors at Poelmann van den Broek, the doors are literally and figuratively open to each other. "The supervision during my internship was very nice and you easily walk in on each other to discuss a case or just to have a nice chat. Besides working hard, there is also time for informal activities. For example, I went to every Friday afternoon drink and occasionally joined them for lunch in town. The office party was the highlight of conviviality in recent weeks. First of all we went boating on the Waal River, then there was a cabaret performance, then a dinner and finally a very nice party."

Future plans

Sara looks back on a fun and educational internship period that she can recommend to anyone. Regarding her plans for the near future, she says, "This coming week I will be preparing for my final exam and then I will enjoy the summer vacation. Next year I hope to graduate and then work as a lawyer!"

We are always looking for motivated student interns

Are you a driven law student and at least in your third year? Then come join us as an intern and get to know the various service areas of our firm. For more information click here.

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