Webinar details

Location Unfortunately, this webinar is over

Date: 23-04-2024

Time: 1 hour

Level: Basic

Cost for this webinar:


This webinar is hosted by:

Erik Jansen

Erik Jansen

Heleen Wessel Krijger Temporary 1080 1080

Heleen Wessel-Krijger

Reinier Pijls

Reinier Pijls

Paula Rottjers

Paula Röttjers

What to expect.

In this webinar, Erik Jansen, Heleen Wessel-Krijger, Reinier Pijls and Paula Röttjers will take you through the world of bankruptcy law and answer all your questions. 

After this webinar, you will know:

  • How to get ahead of bankruptcy;
  • The alternatives to bankruptcy: restructuring;
  • How to go into a financially tough period well prepared;
  • What documents and data you must have in order in any case;
  • How to avoid personal liability;
  • What you should at least avoid in the event of impending bankruptcy; and
  • How to go through a bankruptcy (unexpected) with peace of mind.

With practical and concrete tips, you will know the do's and don'ts when bankruptcy is imminent.

Purpose webinar

With this webinar, we want to prepare you well to identify or cope with any financial difficulties. Of course, you can ask your questions to our specialists. Both during the webinar and afterwards.


  • business owners
  • Drivers
  • (Financial) Managers
  • Accountants
  • Financial professionals
  • anyone who wants to learn more about bankruptcy law

Location, duration and cost

This free webinar will take place online on Tuesday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. You will receive the Teamslink a few days before the webinar.


This webinar is unfortunately over. Would you like this webinar in-house or customized? Please contact us.