To best support business owners in this and minimize legal risks, we are at the forefront of knowledge in areas such as circular economy, energy efficiency and green innovations. Examples include compliance with the complex and ever-changing national and international laws and regulations on energy efficiency, waste management and sustainable procurement. Or drafting and reviewing contracts with suppliers, customers, partners and investors. When it comes to due diligence for acquisitions, mergers or investments in sustainable projects, we can also do a lot for our clients. As well as in preparing for environmental audits or in obtaining subsidies and financing for sustainable projects.
Not only with our knowledge, but also with our way of working, we help business owners stay ahead sustainably. We invest in working together for the long term. This means that we immerse ourselves in your business and are easily accessible, so that we can advise you quickly and in line with your vision and mission. Like our clients, we like short lines of communication and clear, concise language.
We ourselves are also constantly alert to opportunities to make our office and operations more sustainable. To this end, we have already implemented the initiatives listed below.
We provide an electric shared car for our employees and we have installed charging stations. Furthermore, we encourage the use of bicycles and public transportation for both commuting and business appointments.
Our office in Nijmegen is gasless and we are exploring the possibility of energy-saving measures such as solar panels. We pay attention to the use of energy-saving equipment and deploy technologies to reduce our energy consumption.
At our office, we aim to prevent waste, encourage reuse and promote recycling. We ensure that we carefully separate waste, and have implemented digital workflows to reduce paper consumption. Our goal is to achieve completely paperless processes.
We support local business owners, for example by buying lunch from them. In our procurement processes, we give preference to suppliers and partners who use demonstrably sustainable production and delivery methods and who deal consciously with CSR, diversity and inclusion.
We also like to be inspired by our customers. So, are we overlooking another sustainable opportunity? Let us know when you visit us. Or send a tip to Emanuella, Thijs or Mathilda of our sustainability committee. Together we will make sustainability an integral part of our daily actions, for a better future for us all.