Young De Anne

Anne de Jong

Attorney-at-law: Environment and project development

Extremely involved and curious as Anne is, she knows how to quickly map the playing field with a few quick questions. And whether it concerns zoning plans, (environmental) permits, the new Environment Act or cooperation agreements,

Spatial development is her area of expertise when it comes to legal issues. Extremely involved and curious as Anne is, she knows how to map the playing field with a few quick questions. And whether it's about zoning plans, (environmental) permits, the new Environment Act or cooperation agreements, Anne provides a practical solution that will help you move forward.

The fascination with environment is also reflected in Anne's sweetest leisure activities. By traveling, you come to new insights, learn new skills and improvise. What Anne also finds very interesting is history. It is precisely by traveling that you can put it in a new perspective. It's also a kind of spatial development, but in your head.

My specializations


  • 2019- 2021 Master of State and Administrative Law, specialization in environmental law, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2016-2019 Bachelor of Law, Radboud University Nijmegen

Current events Anne

All publications, videos and podcasts by Anne