Aken Van Jan Willem

Jan Willem van Aken

Industry specialization: Partnership and corporation

The more complex the subject matter, the more Jan Willem enjoys making issues accessible. Curious, enthusiastic and driven, he uses his specialist knowledge to guide you in the best possible way.

The more complex the subject matter, the more Jan Willem enjoys making issues accessible. Curious, enthusiastic and driven, he uses his specialist knowledge to guide you in the best possible way. Qualities that come in handy in his spare time when he is perfecting the 'drag push', so that the field hockey ball lands in the right corner of the net.

With a Master's degree in Corporate Law, experience with the legal aspect of commercial contracts and a dose of creativity, Jan Willem has a golden combination of skills that he can put to good use in his work. After all, every situation requires new considerations and solutions. Exactly what makes his work so much fun.

Recent files

  • Disputes relating to the termination of a distribution agreement;
  • Disputes relating to the formation of a settlement agreement for the purpose of terminating a distribution agreement;
  • Disputes related to software systems;
  • Disputes relating to leases;
  • Drafting summons letters seeking to terminate copyright infringement;
  • Establish Terms of Use;
  • Prepare Dealer Agreement;
  • Franchise agreement drafting;
  • Drafting general terms and conditions;
  • License Agreement Drafting.

Registered in the register of the Dutch Bar Association

  • N/A.


Pursuant to this registration, Jan Willem van Aken is required to obtain ten training points in this registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Order of attorneys . 


My specializations


Attorney-at-law since

  • 2023


  • N/A.

Ancillary positions

  • N/A.


  • 2021 - 2023 Master specialization in Business Law at Radboud University (including subjects: copyright law, trademark law, patent law and labor law)
  • 2018 - 2021 Bachelor of law at Radboud University
  • 2014 - 2018 Logistics and Economics at Arnhem Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences (HAN). 
Get in touch

Current events Jan Willem

All publications, videos and podcasts by Jan Willem