5 trends in acquisition practice listed

Date: Feb. 23, 2022

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Tom Teggelaar

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Every six months Brookz, platform for company takeovers, publishes an Takeover Barometer. The Takeover Barometer provides insight into the most important figures and trends from the takeover practice. The periodic information provides more transparency and can be used as a reference point for every professional in this market. Last week, the Takeover Barometer H2-2021 was published. This time 272 advisory firms, which perform 90% of transactions in SMEs, provided figures on acquisition practice. In this news item, the 5 most important trends are summarized and listed for you.

1. In which sectors were the most transactions?

Compared to the figures from the H1-2021 Acquisition Barometer, the Health Care & Pharmaceuticals sector is showing significant growth. In contrast, transactions in the Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation sector remain low as a result of COVID-19.

Source: Figure 2 Acquisition Barometer H2-2021, Brookz, February 2021.

2. What was the yield?

The biggest drop is found in transactions under €2.5 million. In contrast, the largest increase is found in transactions above €10 million.

Above €10 million11%+5%16%
Between €7.5 million and €10 million6%+2%8%
Between €5 million and €7.5 million9%+3%12%
Between €2.5 million and €5 million22%-1%21%
Under €2.5 million52%-9%43%
Source: Figure 3 Acquisition Barometer H2-2021, Brookz, February 2021.

3. What multiples are used in these sectors?

The table below shows the average multiples paid for a company.

IT services & Software development6,55- 0,056,5
Healthcare & Pharmacy6,306,3
Agri & Food5,65- 0,055,6
E-commerce 5,65 - 0,05 5,6
Wholesale5,50 5,5
Industry & Manufacturing5,35- 0,055,3
Business services4,9504,95
Media, Advertising & Communications4,404,4
Construction & Installation Engineering4,05- 0,055,3
Automotive, Transportation & Logistics3,603,6
Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation3,2+ 0,23,4
Retail2,95+ 0,153,1
Source: Figure 5 Acquisition Barometer H2-2021, Brookz, February 2021.

Furthermore, the average EBITDA multiple for Dutch SMEs is: 4.85%. According to the Barometer, multiples are higher in our neighboring countries:

This makes the Netherlands relatively inexpensive for SMEs.

4. What prompted the sale?

Consulting firms were also asked about the most common reasons for selling businesses. Among these, lack of succession is the most common reasons.

Source: Figure 7 Acquisition Barometer H2-2021, Brookz, February 2021.

5. What was the lead time of the sales process?

Finally, the lead time of a sale was scrutinized. In this, as shown in the table below, there are considerable differences.

Source: Figure 9 Acquisition Barometer H2-2021, Brookz, February 2021.


The most important observation is that the Netherlands is relatively cheap for SMEs. Price differences are between 10 to 30% higher among our neighboring countries. You can read and download the full report and the Takeover Barometer H2-2021 via this link.

Planning to acquire a business or have other questions about acquisitions? Feel free to contact me or see what we can do for you here .

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