Securing corporate information during the corona crisis

The Netherlands is massively working from home. As a result, various digital means of communication are being used even more than usual. Think of chat programs or videoconferencing systems. However, not every system is equally secure.

Date: March 24, 2020

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Valerie Lipman

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The Netherlands is massively working from home. As a result, various digital means of communication are being used even more than usual. Think of chat programs or videoconferencing systems. However, not every system is equally secure.

Even in this day and age, organizations will need to ensure that privacy-sensitive information is adequately secured and that company secrets do not get out on the street. It is therefore important to look carefully at the possibilities and make the right choice. Make sure that the organization has a uniform policy and inform employees about it, so that it is clear to everyone which systems can and cannot be used. Keep a close eye on the developments and immediately switch to another system if the security turns out to be insufficient.

The Personal Data Authority (AP) offers 4 tips to stay on the safe side just getting to work.

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