Check whether you are liable as a director in bankruptcy

Do you want to know whether you are liable as a director in bankruptcy? Our specialized attorneys bankruptcies and restructuring have prepared a handy tool that will give you an indiction of your liability.

Date: Jan. 09, 2023

Modified December 14, 2023

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Entrepreneurship is about seeing opportunities and taking risks. business owners is allowed to make mistakes and entrepreneurial choices can and do go wrong. This does not always necessarily lead to directors' liability.

The threshold is also high because it is socially and economically desirable for business owners to dare to take risks. If directors' liability is judged - in retrospect - too quickly in legal terms, business owners will dare to take fewer opportunities and be too deterred by the risks. This can have a strong negative impact on entrepreneurial spirit and the business climate and thus on economic growth.

Want to know if you are liable as a director in bankruptcy? Our attorneys specialized in bankruptcies and restructuring have prepared a handy tool that will give you an indiction of your liability.

Are you liable as a director in bankruptcy?

Do you have any questions following this outcome? If so, please contact our specialized attorneys bankruptcies and restructuring. They will be happy to help you further.

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