The traditional employment contract on the decline?

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Many employers use a traditional employment contract, but you can actually differentiate yourself as an employer by looking at employment contracts differently. Looking at employment contracts differently can set an employer apart in the job market.

Sander Poelman discusses how that can be done, for example, with green or visual working conditions in this article for the "legal advice on the run" campaign series.


Date: November 24, 2022

Modified February 14, 2024

Written by: Sander Poelman

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The green employment contract

Integrating your company's green goals with employee benefits: it can be done in the green employment contract. In innovative ways, the connection is sought between sustainability and the employment relationship.

Examples of green benefits include extra vacation days or more vacation pay if an employee takes a vacation by train or bicycle. This will compensate for the extra travel days involved. A lower travel allowance for employees who come to the office by car could also be considered. Other possibilities include planting trees for overtime, a bonus that goes to a green cause, days off for volunteer work or a vegetarian lunch at the office.

Whether and to what extent this green labor agreement suits the organization, each business owner must weigh for itself. Nor is the goal simply for an employer to include all of these terms in one employment contract. The goal is to get employers to look at the traditional employment contract with a sustainable eye.

In doing so, the employer can also adapt his employment contract to his target group. Young employees are much more likely to consider the climate important. A green employment contract may therefore be received more positively by them than by other target groups.

Excellence in working conditions

In general, working people find not salary, but the work atmosphere the most important thing in their employment relationship. Employers can challenge themselves to differentiate themselves in terms of working conditions from competitors in the currently tight labor market. 

An employer can make itself unique in the (fringe) benefits it offers prospective employees. For example, not only sustainable initiatives, but also health or leisure initiatives can be included in the employment relationship. Think of a shared sports subscription, running training for the office or a free monthly visit to the cinema. Be creative, because anything can be a condition of employment.

Flexible working?

A good and generous work-from-home policy is also almost unavoidable in today's society. Working from home makes it easier to combine work and private life, which gives the employee more peace of mind in his free time. Moreover, research shows that the employee is no less productive at home than in the office. In short: a better mental health of the employee, who then also does not have to come to the office. Another sustainable condition of employment!

The visual employment contract

Another initiative is the visual employment agreement. This employment contract is prepared with pictures and other visualizations of the terms of employment. This makes the employment contract easier to understand. This can give employees more confidence. After all, this employee will better understand what he is signing for. And while this may certainly have some snags on the legal side, this initiative also makes you look at the traditional employment contract differently.


An employer can distinguish itself in the employment contract in the labor market. Whether it's a green or visual employment contract, or original and attractive (fringe) benefits: the employer would do well to look at where exactly he and his target group can stand out. With or without the traditional employment contract.

Stay Focused

Are you wondering how to differentiate yourself as an employer to hire and retain staff? Then be sure to contact our attorneys employment law. We will be happy to help you.


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