Privacy and personal data master class

This week, 40 startups business owners attended our privacy and personal data masterclass. During this meeting - organized in cooperation with StartUp Nijmegen - business owners were given guidance on the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), which comes into effect on May 25, 2018.

Date: February 02, 2018

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Valerie Lipman

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

This week, 40 startups business owners attended our privacy and personal data masterclass. During this meeting - organized in cooperation with StartUp Nijmegen - business owners were given guidance on the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), which comes into effect on May 25, 2018.

That steps must be taken to comply with the (new) requirements in the AVG was well known to the participants. But what exactly? What do you need to arrange for this as a company or organization? When not complying with the provisions of the AVG, your company or organization runs the risk of fines imposed by the Personal Data Authority. Data subjects can also turn to the courts and claim damages for unlawful processing of their personal data.

Our privacy experts Annemarie van Woudenberg and Valerie Lipman answered questions such as: what privacy-sensitive customer data are you allowed to record? What about sending newsletters or invitations to events? What are you still allowed to do as an employer and what are you not allowed to do? Attention is also paid to making personal data of, for example, customers or employees available to third parties. How can you guarantee that these third parties comply with the provisions of the AVG?

This gave the business owners more insight into the consequences of the AVG coming into force and tools to work with. Joris Even (The Success Academy) said:

Glad I went! Another opportunity to further professionalize the business. Time to make some changes in the way we handle data!

Missed master class? Download here our privacy checklist, which you can go through step by step to prepare your organization for the AVG. Do you have questions about privacy and personal data? Please feel free to contact us.

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