Want to know more about the AVG? We are happy to engage with you!

In this new year, we are happy to serve you with a new expertise: Privacy and Personal Data. Time is running out, as the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) is effective May 25, 2018. This new law brings changes compared to the current legislation on privacy and personal data. Want to know to what extent the AVG will affect your organization? Then contact us for an exploratory discussion.

Date: January 03, 2018

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Valerie Lipman

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

In this new year, we are happy to serve you with a new expertise: Privacy and Personal Data. Time is running out, as the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) is effective May 25, 2018. This new law brings changes compared to the current legislation on privacy and personal data. Want to know to what extent the AVG will affect your organization? Then contact us for an exploratory discussion.

For example, the AVG puts more emphasis on the rights of data subjects and the (much more far-reaching) obligations of the person processing personal data. Valerie Lipman and Annemarie van Woudenberg are our experts in this field and will be happy to advise you on this.

Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of creating privacy and personal data policies. Valerie: "Time is now running out to get started and ensure that your organization complies on time with the new legislation as of May 25, 2018. We are happy to advise on the obligations for business owners and the steps to be taken within that framework."

It is important that business owners does not wait quietly, but takes action now. Annemarie: "Check out our checklist that allows you to prepare your organization for the AVG step by step. The first step is to map out the personal data you process within your organization, such as the personal data of customers or third parties. Also important, for example, are issues such as monitoring employees' e-mail and Internet use and camera surveillance. Making policy regarding the processing of personal data of your customers, third parties and employees, among others, and informing these data subjects as much as possible is paramount."

If you need our help, you know where to find us.

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