Residential rental law developments

The high demand for housing space, rising prices in the housing market and limited availability of housing, these are all developments that affect housing rental law. This becomes most evident in the freezing and capping of housing rents.

Date: July 01, 2021

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Jeroen Brinkman

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The high demand for housing space, rising prices in the housing market and limited availability of housing, these are all developments that affect housing rental law. This becomes most evident in the freezing and capping of housing rents.

Rent increase

July 1, 2021, normally a date when housing rents are increased. This year is different. Based on legislation, rents in the social sector will be frozen for a period of 3 years. This applies to both corporations and private landlords.

In the free sector, although there is no freeze in 2021, there is a cap. This is because the rent increase is capped at the rate of inflation + 1%, which means a maximum of 2.4% this year.

However, there are conditions for increasing the rent in the free sector. For example, the rental agreement itself must contain a clause providing for the possibility of an additional rent increase. If, according to the contract, the increase amounts to a lower increase than the 2.4%, then the lower increase must be implemented.

So be well prepared and do not implement a higher increase than allowed. If you do, as a landlord, a tenant may object. In some cases the rent increase can be higher. Namely in the case of home improvement.

Expected changes to rental housing

Many changes are imminent not only with regard to the rent increase of residential premises, but also with regard to various other issues about rental housing. For example, there are currently proposals to abolish the deadline for testing the initial rent. Proposals to abolish the distinction between regulated and liberalized rent. While voices are also being raised to no longer take WOZ points into account when counting points.

In short, residential rental (pricing) law is in a state of flux. Keep an eye on our regular blogs and articles and take advantage of them. If you have any questions you can always contact us.

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