'Even as a novice lawyer, I get plenty of room'

Modified May 15, 2024

'Old city, young vibe, that Nijmegen slogan also suits our office,' Paula believes. 'I have many experienced and knowledgeable colleagues. But they don't give us, the starting attorneys, the idea that everyone has to continue within those fixed lines. I feel plenty of room for my own ideas.'

'Yes, I'm very excited about my job,' Paula laughs. 'I think we really work differently from other firms. The legal profession is quite an old-fashioned scene. The fact that you are first in training encourages a hierarchical structure. And, of course, it's also a serious profession. But with us the atmosphere is informal, cozy. I feel that this makes us work very efficiently, because we can easily approach each other. The conviviality has a unifying function. Legendary are the parties and get-togethers, with live Cluedo or laser gaming in the office building. And the great thing is the equality. Even if you don't participate in these, you feel part of the club.'

Progressive office
According to Paula, the freedom to arrange your work and the low-threshold social structure make Poelmann van den Broek a progressive office. 'That's what I understand by 'Stay focused'. For example, a number of attorneys took the initiative to set up the Energy Law specialization. And together with a few others I am on the innovation team. With the latest innovation trends, we examine their impact on our profession and how they can make our work more efficient.' With all this drive to help clients as best as possible, Paula recognizes that there is also an eye for work-life balance. 'If you forget yourself and work a few extra nights, there is a colleague who notices and tells you that you can pick up the work again tomorrow.'

Want to know more?

Of course, there is more to tell. Feel free to contact Paula if you have any questions. That's the best way to find out about the space we offer for your own ideas.

Contact Paula Röttjers