On the legal world of event licensing: 'Acting quickly and appropriately is essential'

The number of events being organized has skyrocketed in recent years. But obtaining an event permit often involves many hooks and eyes. This creates nice challenges for the Government and Spatial Development department of Poelmann van den Broek. Our attorneys team advises and assists organizers of small to very large events, such as Lowlands.

Date: November 21, 2016

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: David Nas

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

The number of events being organized has skyrocketed in recent years. But obtaining an event permit often involves many hooks and eyes. This creates nice challenges for the Government and Spatial Development department of Poelmann van den Broek. Our attorneys team advises and assists organizers of small to very large events, such as Lowlands.

With the growth of prosperity and increase in leisure time, interest in events is on the rise. As a result, events are springing up like mushrooms. As a result, all these events have to keep reinventing themselves to keep standing out from the rest.

As an example, attorney David Nas cites the idea of a pre- & after-party at Lowlands. The permit of this festival is not only based on General Local Bye-Law (APV), but the organization of Lowlands also holds an environmental permit. "This states, among other things, that the event may only take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Our task is to investigate what is possible and, through good argumentation, convince the municipality of the advantages of a pre- & afterparty. An important argument is safety: do you opt for 50,000 people coming and going at once or would you rather have them spread out over different times? We not only go around the table with the municipality, but also with local residents, for example. Clearly explaining why you choose something often removes some of the objections."

Nuisance and safety

For example, nuisance to local residents and safety are recurring issues when granting permits. Consider the increasing events organized in the downtown area to boost retail sales. Attorney-at-law Robin Evens: "This makes the city more attractive for visitors, but on the other hand, residents find that livability is increasingly compromised. We see that these kinds of issues are increasing." David adds: "Moreover, safety plays an increasingly important role. For example, accidents in Volendam and Haaksbergen affect the regulations regarding permits."

Financial interests

When organizing a small street party, you do not need a permit. It becomes different when you want to cordon off a street or exceed the limit of 50 visitors. But whether it's a small or large event: make sure the permits are arranged on time! David: "When organizing medium and large events, there are often major financial interests at stake. Especially when a refusal is imminent, you need a lawyer who can move quickly and is knowledgeable. In addition to the fact that our office has several attorneys and lawyers who have extensive experience in this, we can also organize, for example, that such a case goes to court within a short time."

Acting quickly and appropriately

After all, in some matters, no time should be wasted. For example, this year's Solar festival in Roermond almost fell into the water because local residents had lodged an objection to the event permit a few weeks before the festival. The local residents had gone to court for a so-called preliminary injunction. With such a provision, the consequences of the government decision are suspended. In the end, the festival was able to go ahead. "Had the festival been canceled, it would have been the deathblow to the company. Quick and adequate action is therefore essential in this kind of case," Robin said.

Preventing Problems

David: "We assist organizers in applying for permits in the best possible way and possibly agitating in case of permit refusal or restrictions. But advising in 'the background' is also common. After all, we are not only there to solve problems, but above all to prevent them."

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