Transition of the week: Floris Pels Rijcken

For the transfer of the week section, Mr. interviewed our colleague Floris Pels Rijcken. Floris made the switch from Ballast Nedam to Poelmann van den Broek attorneys in Nijmegen. He joined the firm as a lawyer in the construction law section. Before Ballast Nedam he was a lawyer at Dirkzwager.

Date: May 27, 2019

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Floris Pels Rijcken

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

For the transfer of the week section, Mr. interviewed our colleague Floris Pels Rijcken. Floris made the switch from Ballast Nedam to Poelmann van den Broek attorneys in Nijmegen. He joined the firm as a lawyer in the construction law section. Before Ballast Nedam he was a lawyer at Dirkzwager.

Congratulations on this transition. Was your foray as a corporate lawyer not to your liking?

Thanks! As a corporate lawyer, you have a significantly different role. The content of the role is still legal, but the focus of your work shifts. You are more concerned with the legal and business content, less with the process and strategy around it. It was precisely the strategy, litigation and finding "smarts" that I missed. With that I am not saying I regret the trip. On the contrary. After all, I was able to see from the front row what a construction company looks like on the inside and how it works; that is very interesting and (for my new position) relevant. Moreover, it made me realize that the legal profession is a better fit for me - that's worth something to me too!

Why did you choose Poelmann van den Broek?

The firm approached me shortly after I had decided I wanted to return to the legal profession. So the timing was right and there was an immediate click. Moreover, the firm is well known and in terms of travel time I was improving. Decisive was the fact that I heard good stories from a friend who had been working there for several years. This gave me an honest (and positive!) picture of the office.

How did you experience your first day at Poelmann van den Broek?

'Extraordinary' is, I think, the right description. My first day was (coincidentally) on a Friday. For that afternoon, 'the frog drink' was already in my calendar. I had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be a (recurring) theme drink. As part of that get-together, we had to perform (under the direction of an outside instructor) an Irish folk dance. The spectacle resembled a scene from The Lice Mother - according to family members to whom I showed a video of the get-together. It was slightly awkward, but at least as funny.

Other than your new work and perhaps more salary, what is the most enjoyable thing you have gained?

Many side activities. A lot of get-togethers and other activities are organized at the office (a bowling tournament, themed get-togethers, a summer party, etc.). It also so happens that there are many colleagues of about the same age, who are in the same "stage of life. That creates a bond.

If you switch again, will you stay within the legal profession?

I do see myself working here for a long time; a possible transfer is further away than ever. If it ever comes around again: then yes, it will probably be within the legal profession.

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