Short and clear advice on buying and selling property

In addition to knowledge of law, we also have an interest in real estate. For example, we assist various real estate-related companies as a permanent legal partner. We think in solutions and speak the language of the business owner. So from us you will not get long legal texts, but short clear advice.

Saving costs when buying and selling real estate

With our years of experience, we help you save costs when buying and selling real estate. We will also tell you where there may be something extra to gain. Because our firm also specializes in construction law, project development, financing structures and environmental law, we also provide customized advice if your question is part of a larger whole.

Get clarity

If you would like legal advice, please let us know. You will usually be called back the same (working) day by one of our attorneys who specializes in buying and selling real estate. With our knowledge and experience in your industry, we will have a quick overview of your situation. During this first conversation you will immediately get clarity about the legal opportunities and challenges. Together you will discuss what the possible next steps could be and what the lawyer can do for you. So you know exactly where you stand beforehand.

Buying and selling real estate? Stay focused

Sure that your interests in buying or selling real estate are best served? Feel free to contact us. Our attorneys will be happy to assist you.

Our attorneys

Legal tips and practical solutions

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Preventing end of business: ensuring a soft landing together