Challenging issues are Thijs' favorite. Because of his interest in history and politics, he is able to make a good assessment of the relationships between them. It is nice to be able to respond to this when the results achieved can be seen for centuries in the built environment.
As a padel player, Thijs likes to move quickly and see opportunities everywhere. So you can make your point directly, but also through the wall and even outside the cage. This is exactly how he also flies at your court puzzle, driven as he is to help you move forward.
The fact that the Environment Act combined with the enormous task facing the Dutch construction industry make this puzzle extremely challenging is precisely why Thijs goes to work with a smile on his face every day. In addition, Thijs' interest in history and politics allows him to make a good assessment of the situation. It's nice to be able to respond to that when the results achieved can be seen for centuries in the built environment.
All publications, videos and podcasts by Thijs