The snags of hiring temporary workers

Do you ever use a temporary worker? And do you check to see if the staffing agency you are dealing with does everything nicely according to the rules? In most cases, you will do business with a staffing agency that works honestly. But in some cases it is not, and that can have major financial consequences for you.

Date: Aug. 29, 2017

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Antoinette Niebeek

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Do you ever use a temporary worker? And do you check to see if the staffing agency you are dealing with does everything nicely according to the rules? In most cases, you will do business with a staffing agency that works honestly. But in some cases it is not, and this can have major financial consequences for you. This is because you can be held liable by temporary workers if they are underpaid. Or you can be fined if it turns out that the foreign temporary worker employed by you or your subcontractor does not have a work permit.

Hiding behind the argument that you are not the formal employer of the temporary worker is not one of them. You share responsibility for ensuring that the temporary agency operates in accordance with the correct laws and regulations. In recent years, partly due to the entry into force of the Act on Tackling Malpractice (Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies, WAS) in 2015, there has been a lot of attention for so-called "malafide temporary employment agencies. The Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate (SZW) has stepped up enforcement. Just recently, during an inspection of 500 employment agencies, the Inspectorate handed out as many as 131 fines to employment agencies and hirers, totaling €1.3 million.

So it is vital to check that you are dealing with pure coffee. The top six industries where abuses are found are agriculture and horticulture, metal and industry, hospitality, retail, construction and cleaning. What exactly should you pay attention to when hiring a temporary employment agency? And what are your own responsibilities?

Together with the Tax and Customs Administration and parties in the sector, the Inspectorate SZW has prepared a handy checklist for companies working with temporary employment agencies:

Using the checklist, you will soon enough find out whether you are working with a reliable employment agency or not.

The attorneys of service area Labor regularly advises on the use of (international) temporary workers. If you have any questions on this topic or on the checklist, we are of course happy to think along with you.

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