Niebeek Antoinette

Antoinette Niebeek

An unstoppable curiosity ensures that Antoinette is always looking for new experiences. It is logical that in her spare time she likes to travel, discover new hotspots and visit shows. Employment law is right up her alley because it is an area of law that is at the center of society and constantly evolving. Antoinette likes to keep abreast of these developments and likes to go in-depth. Translating that into good, practical and usable advice for clients gives her a daily dose of job satisfaction.

Recent files

  • Advising and litigating on competition and relationship clauses (including in employment contracts under foreign law)
  • Advising on Alien Employment Act
  • Advising on Top Income Support Act at housing corporation
  • Dismissal proceedings for seriously culpable employee at food industry manufacturer
  • UWV notice of objection for imposition of unjustified wage penalty at transport company

Registered in the register of the Dutch Bar Association

  • Labor Law

Pursuant to this registration, Antoinette Niebeek is required to obtain ten training credits in this registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Order of attorneys .

My specializations

Attorney-at-law since

  • 2017


  • Association of Young Employment Lawyers (VJAA).
  • Jong Management Arnhem-Nijmegen

Ancillary positions

  • Guest lecturer in social law at Radboud University Nijmegen


  • 2012-2014 Master's degree in Dutch Law (Business Law specialization), Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2012-2014 Master's degree in International & European Law, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2013 Erasmus Exchange Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen
  • 2009-2012 Bachelor International & European Law, Radboud University Nijmegen

Current events Antoinette

All publications, videos and podcasts by Antoinette