The STAK: binding valuable employees without influencing the decision-making process

Date: December 30, 2021

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Bram Goudkamp

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

In practice, we increasingly see business owners placing part of their activities in a foundation. This may be for R&D reasons or in connection with a social purpose, but especially, in the context of employee participations (through a so-called STAK). Since July 1, 2021, the Law on Management and Supervision of Legal Persons has come into force. That change in the law brings changes for foundations, and thus also for a STAK. The law change regulates important matters and changes rules in the field of supervision and directors' liability of foundation directors.  

A start-up or scale-up business owner would therefore do well to seek proper advice on this before placing its activities in a foundation.

Employee participation

An important reason for business owners to include a foundation in their corporate structure is to allow employees to participate in their company. Especially in scale-ups, where retaining the right employees is crucial, employee participation can be interesting. This is done through a so-called Stichting Administratiekantoor (STAK). The STAK can separate the voting right from the profit right by holding the shares and then giving the employees certificates. Through these certificates, the employees are entitled to a portion of the profits, but have no voting rights; the voting rights remain with (the board of) the STAK. In this way, valuable employees can be attached to an organization without unnecessarily complicating decision-making.  


However, the use of an STAK is subject to rules. The advent of the WBTR has brought in further rules specific to the foundation, association, cooperative and mutual insurance company. If you make use of an STAK in a scale-up, it is important to keep a sharp eye on these. We have listed the most important changes for you:

You can find more about these changes in this long read. Do you have questions about the implications of the WBTR for your foundation or association? Please feel free to get in touch.

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