Label C obligation and (re)leasing offices: who is responsible?

In this video, Juuk Hulshof (attorney environment and project development) and Eline Holtland - van der Zwaag (attorney real estate and rental law) discuss who is responsible for meeting the label C requirement for office buildings. Is it the landlord or the tenant? And what if you don't comply? Who bears the consequences?

Date: November 07, 2023

Modified September 10, 2024

Written by: Juuk Hulshof and Eline van der Zwaag-Holtland

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

As part of the energy transition, the energy label requirement has been in place since Jan. 1, 2023. From that date, offices must carry a label of C or higher. See also this article by Jeroen Brinkman in which action on the part of the landlord is announced. This obligation proves difficult to implement in practice , especially for old and small offices. More than half of the offices have no label, but fines and enforcement are not (yet) forthcoming.

In this video, Juuk Hulshof (attorney environment and project development) and Eline Holtland - van der Zwaag (attorney real estate and rental law) discuss who is responsible for meeting the label C requirement for office buildings. Is it the landlord or the tenant? And what if you don't comply? Who gets the fine in the mailbox?

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Do you have questions about the energy label requirement or have you received a letter from the municipality in which they want to take enforcement action? Please contact us using the form below. We will be happy to assist you further.