Hulshof Juuk

Juuk Hulshof

Attorney-at-law: Environment and project development

The stable, connecting sparring partner in advisory processes and proceedings on complex environmental permits, zoning and enforcement issues.

It's not just the climate that seems to be running wild lately. New environmental developments and insights also follow each other in rapid succession, leading to adjusted standards and regulations each time. And just as the climate does not stop at the border, these developments also have an effect at both national and European level. Can you keep up? You probably have enough other things on your mind that deserve attention. And then it's nice to be able to fall back on Juuk, because he has made this subject his specialty. 

He is the stable, connecting sparring partner for you in advisory processes and procedures concerning complex environmental permits, zoning plans and enforcement issues. He always strives for harmony, just as he does in his spare time behind the piano. Whether played pianissimo or forte.

Recent files

  • Advise on distribution and data center development throughout the Netherlands
  • Litigating plan damages, particularly for developers with whom the municipality has entered into plan damage recovery agreements
  • Litigation over several livestock farms
  • Litigating and advising on wind and solar farms
  • Advising on the gasless building obligation and associated transitional law
  • Advising and litigating on education issues, such as housing (Secondary Education Act) and enforcement/fines (Child Care Act)
  • Advising and litigating on the possibilities offered by the Environmental Law Decree to build permit-free and deviate from the zoning plan
  • Advise developers on the Nature Protection Act, particularly in relation to nitrogen and Natura 2000 sites.
  • Consulting on development of residential and retail sites.

Registered in the register of the Dutch Bar Association

  • Environmental Law


  • Environmental Law
  • Nature Conservation Law
  • Spatial administrative law

Pursuant to this registration, Juuk Hulshof is required to obtain ten training credits in this registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Order of attorneys .

My specializations


  • Member Association of Young Real Estate Lawyers (VJOJ).
  • Member Young Construction and Real Estate Society Achterhoek (JBVA).
  • Member Environmental Law Association (VMR).
  • Member Young Real Estate Junction Arnhem-Nijmegen (JOKAN)
  • Aspiring member of the Association of Environmental Law attorneys (VMA)


  • 2019 - Grotius Specialization Course in Environmental Law (cum laude)
  • 2017 - Master's course in Environmental Law, Radboud University
  • 2015 - Bachelor of Dutch Law and Master of State and Administrative Law, University of Groningen

Current events Juuk

All publications, videos and podcasts by Juuk