More time on WIEG; additional birth leave for partners starting July 1, 2020

Previously, partners received only two days of leave after the birth of a child. Consequently, birth leave was already expanded to one week last year. From July 1, 2020, birth leave has been expanded even further and partners can take additional birth leave in addition to the week's leave.

Date: July 10, 2020

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Annemarie van Woudenberg

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

Previously, partners received only two days of leave after the birth of a child. Consequently, birth leave was already expanded to one week last year. From July 1, 2020, birth leave has been expanded even further and partners can take additional birth leave in addition to the week's leave.

This means that partners can take maternity leave of up to 5 weeks in the first six months after the birth. During that leave, they will receive a benefit of 70% of their last-earned salary (up to 70% of the maximum daily wage). This way, partners can fulfill more care responsibilities after the birth of the child.

The new regulations surrounding birth leave are set forth in the Law Introducing Additional Birth Leave, abbreviated to - how appropriate - WIEG.


The partner must take the weeks of leave within 6 months of the child's birth. The condition is that a partner must first take the one-week birth leave. Only then can the partner take the additional birth leave of 5 weeks. Also, the partner must request the leave in whole weeks and not per day. Of course, this can be deviated from by mutual agreement. Also, it is not an obligation for the partner to take the full birth leave.

Requesting additional birth leave

Partners can request the additional birth leave from the employer. At least 4 weeks before the start of the birth leave, the partner must submit the request to the employer. The partner must do this in writing, i.e. by letter or email. The employer pays the partner at least 70% of the maximum daily wage during the leave. The employer can then be reimbursed by the UWV. Of course, the employer may also continue to pay more wages during the birth leave. It may be that the collective bargaining agreement also requires this. However, the UWV reimburses a maximum of 70% of the maximum daily wage.

As an employer, you can apply to the UWV for the benefit for the additional birth leave on behalf of the partner. This can be done from 4 weeks before the additional birth leave until 4 weeks after the last day of leave.

If there is a compelling business or service interest, you as an employer may change the employee's leave up to 2 weeks in advance. In doing so, you as an employer can, for example, suggest other days or other weeks to the partner. Of course, this may only be done in consultation with the partner.

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