Internship at Poelmann van den Broek: this is what Robin experienced

For the past 8 weeks, Robin Verhoeven has been doing an office-wide student internship with us. Just before Easter we say goodbye to her. We thank Robin for her commitment and enthusiasm. Curious how she experienced this internship? Then feel free to read on.

Date: March 30, 2018

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Antoinette Niebeek

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

For the past 8 weeks, Robin Verhoeven has been doing an office-wide student internship with us. Just before Easter we say goodbye to her. We thank Robin for her good commitment and enthusiasm. Curious how she experienced this internship? Then feel free to read on.

Introduction to the daily practice of a lawyer

Besides studying Dutch Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, I wanted to gain practical experience. The office-wide internship offered by Poelmann van den Broek seemed like the perfect opportunity for me. Within this internship, students are given the opportunity to focus on a particular area of law. My preference was Employment Law, but in addition I also got to work for the firm's other service areas. This gives you a good idea of the different activities at the firm. An ideal way to find out where your interests lie and get acquainted with all aspects of a lawyer's practice.

During my internship, my preference for employment law was confirmed, especially the relationship between employer and employee appeals to me. When I volunteer at the legal aid center, I mainly stand up for employees. At Poelmann van den Broek, I experienced what it is like to assist employers. I was able to experience a summary dismissal from the side of a large company. This is an experience I would not have wanted to miss. Furthermore, I was positively surprised by the service area of rent and real estate, which certainly helped me in making the choice for a master.

Feeling welcome and involved

During my internship I got to know Poelmann van den Broek as an office with a pleasant atmosphere and where you are given a lot of freedom and responsibility from the very first moment. For example, I was allowed to come along to a hearing and help prepare it. Afterwards you feel proud to have been able to contribute. The office has an open and informal atmosphere. attorneys regularly drop in on each other for advice or a friendly chat. As a trainee I was immediately welcome at the many activities that the office organizes, such as lunch lectures, master classes and various get-togethers. This makes you feel immediately involved. My desire to become a lawyer after my studies was confirmed during my internship. I look back on a fun and informative period and I can recommend all students to do an internship and gain practical experience!

We are always looking for motivated student interns. Are you a driven law student and at least in your third year? Then come do an internship with us and get to know the various service areas of our firm. For more information the vacancy.

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As attorneys for business owners , we understand the importance of staying ahead. Together with us, you will have all the opportunities and risks in sight. Feel free to contact us and get personalized information about our services.