Internship in corona time: Mirre Brick recounts

For the past 8 weeks, Mirre Brick has completed an office-wide student internship with us. We thank Mirre for her good effort and enthusiasm. Wondering how she experienced this internship? Then feel free to read on.

Date: August 05, 2020

Modified November 14, 2023

Written by: Annemarie van Woudenberg

Reading time: +/- 2 minutes

For the past 8 weeks, Mirre Brick has completed an office-wide student internship with us. We thank Mirre for her good effort and enthusiasm. Wondering how she experienced this internship? Then feel free to read on.

Orienting to future job

Last year I completed my bachelor's degree in Dutch Law at Radboud University. After studying in America for six months, I thought it was time to do an internship. Law is a very theoretical study and I wanted to experience what my future job would look like. Poelmann van den Broek has a good reputation in Nijmegen. That was the reason I applied for a student internship at Poelmann. The interview with two attorneys made me very enthusiastic and when I was told that I could come for an internship in the summer (which would take six months at that time) I could not wait!

Not bored for a moment

It was exciting for a while because of the coronavirus, but in the middle of June I was finally able to start. On my first day I was welcomed with open arms by my internship supervisors. The first four weeks I was to intern in labor law and the last four weeks in corporate law. But the attorneys of both departments soon knew where to find me. In fact, because of the corona virus, I was the only student intern. Because of the many assignments, I was never bored for a moment during the eight weeks. I was afraid that because of the corona virus and the summer period I would only be in the office. But nothing was further from the truth. For example, I attended several client meetings and was allowed to participate in a bankruptcy case. I was also included in a case from A to Z and wrote an outline for a blog.

The guidance in the office is very good. If I had questions I could always walk in and I almost always got feedback on my assignments. What I really liked was that the attorneys took my opinion seriously.


Due to the corona virus, I unfortunately had to miss the get-togethers and other office activities, but that certainly didn't make my internship any less fun and interesting. I always knew I wanted to become a lawyer, but my internship at Poelmann certainly confirmed this. Whether I choose labor law or corporate law is still uncertain. The eight weeks have flown by and I really regret that my internship has come to an end.

We are always looking for motivated student interns

Are you a driven law student and at least in your third year? Then come join us as an intern and get to know the various service areas of our firm. For more information click here.

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As attorneys for business owners , we understand the importance of staying ahead. Together with us, you will have all the opportunities and risks in sight. Feel free to contact us and get personalized information about our services.