Legal quick-scan that helps your clients move forward

The number of bankruptcies increased last year. Directors would be wise to investigate early on what a possible bankruptcy of one or more of their companies would mean for their position and that of their group. Improve your position by acting proactively. With our years of expertise in corporate and bankruptcy law, we can get ahead of problems or reduce them.

Quick-scan for quick insight

To assess the financial risks for a concern and/or a director, we have compiled a checklist. We offer the quick-scan based on this checklist for a fixed rate of € 3,000 (excluding VAT). Based on the quick-scan you will receive practical advice on:

  • The continued existence or termination of the business
  • Consequences for the rest of the group
  • Any effects on the private situation of the business owner

Working method after the quick-scan

If the quick-scan shows that the liquidity problems can be solved with a follow-up process, we can help you further. For example by:

  • Implementing contract restructuring or workforce reorganization.
  • Hands-on guidance in an out-of-court settlement, a WHOA settlement, a moratorium settlement, a bankruptcy settlement or perhaps a cold cleanup via bankruptcy with subsequent relaunch.
  • Carrying out a collection process, as a result of which bad debts turn out to be collectable after all.

If the company can no longer be saved, we will guide your legal entity to bankruptcy with a soft landing for the director. So that unnecessary damage is also avoided as much as possible in that scenario.

Stay Focused

Make an immediate appointment to map your position by calling 024-3810810.
