Specializing in restructuring, debt solutions and reorganizations

We specialize in restructuring, debt solutions and reorganizations. And have had involvement in various WHOA processes. So we have experience with the various different roles at the negotiation table: that of the advocate of the business owner, of the impartial restructuring expert and of the representative of stakeholders. So we know which stakeholders are essential to the existence of your company and we also know how to get them on board.

Temporarily freezing creditors' rights

By temporarily freezing the rights of creditors, the necessary peace of mind is created to draw up a rescue plan needed to cancel debts. Does it turn out that the company can no longer be saved? Then we ensure that bankruptcy is as advantageous as possible for you.

Get clarity

If you would like legal advice, please let us know. You will be called back the same (working) day by one of our attorneys who specializes in restructuring, debt solutions and reorganization. With our knowledge and experience in your industry, we will have a quick overview of your situation. During this first conversation you will immediately get clarity about the legal opportunities and challenges. Together you will discuss the possible next steps and what the lawyer can do for you.

Legal quick scan corporate and director liability risks

With this quick scan, an insolvency due diligence, we offer you the possibility to get Get clarity about your chances and risks in case of an imminent or unexpected bankruptcy. You will receive clear advice on what you should and should not do in your situation, what your risks are and what strategy you can best use. We offer this quick scan for a fixed price of € 3,000, so you know exactly where you stand beforehand.

Contact us to discuss the best approach for your question.

Restructuring, debt solutions and reorganizations? Stay focused

Are you looking for opportunities to save or properly dispose of your business?
Please feel free to contact us and get personalized information about your options in restructuring, debt solutions and reorganizations.

Our attorneys

What our clients say

For a business owner , it is important to make the right decision in a hectic period - such as bankruptcy. I have had good experiences with PvdB's attorneys as a sparring partner in such situations. Even better: preventing bankruptcy together! Then you really have something to celebrate!

RAN Media - Ber Pas

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Do's and don'ts when bankruptcy is imminent