Roordink Koen

Koen Roordink

Attorney-at-law: Construction

Lots of experience gives a steady hand. And experience Koen has. Then you can count on all fingers of that steady hand that you cannot tell him much new about construction law. That is also what construction companies, trade associations and non-profit organizations say when they ask for his advice or engage his services in arbitrations and civil proceedings. Koen is their astute partner.

Lots of experience gives a steady hand. And experience Koen has. A lot. First as a legal advisor with the Home Owners Association, then with Koninklijke BAM Groep N.V. and with us since 2000. You can count on all fingers of that steady hand that you won't be able to tell him much new about construction law. So say construction companies, trade associations and non-profit organizations that ask for his advice or engage his services in arbitrations and civil proceedings. Koen is their astute partner.

Give that steady hand room and see how creative and practical Koen has a solution for every problem. With an eye for detail, too. An eye-hand coordination that he cherishes and further develops in his spare time with his hobby of drawing and painting.

Recent files

  • Representation of an international construction group in summary proceedings, appeal and guidance on cassation in lien proceedings, securities over project with residential apartments and supermarkets
  • Representation of an international construction group in proceedings before the Amsterdam District Court in preliminary relief proceedings against property developer to enforce pledge of mortgage and settlement regarding construction and payment of office property in Amsterdam
  • Representation in various summary proceedings (a.o. noise nuisance piling, impairment of architect's design) and advising an international construction group on the realization of a construction project in Eindhoven
  • Advising various trade associations and various manufacturers of building materials on the drafting of general terms and conditions for both the consumer and business markets
  • Advising and assisting a trade association in consultations with consumer organizations in the establishment of a disputes committee affiliated with SGC and drafting general terms and conditions for the consumer market
  • Representation of an international construction group in court and tribunal proceedings against project developer on contract assumption/debt assumption regarding project in Almere, the Netherlands
  • Advising a hospital on the construction of a parking garage in Nijmegen.
  • Advising an international construction group on the lien and potential foreclosure of collateral of a large construction project in Rotterdam
  • Advising an engineering firm on liability in case of building collapse
  • Advising an international agro and food concern on the construction of an innovative chicken hatchery in Boxmeer

Registered in the register of the Dutch Bar Association

  • Real Estate Law
  • Civil procedural law

Pursuant to this registration, Koen Roordink is required to obtain ten training points in this registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Order of attorneys .

My specializations

Attorney-at-law since

  • 2011


  • Member Association for Construction Lawattorneys (VBR-A)

Ancillary positions

  • Secretary of SCAB Management Foundation (Central Administration Office for Construction Companies).


  • 2017 VBR-A/IBR course in Private Construction Law
  • 2017 CROW course UAV-GC (including the functional specification section)
  • 2010-2011 Master specialization in Civil Law (including the subjects: civil law in depth, tenancy law, construction law (Tilburg) and practical civil cases), Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2005-2010 Bachelor of Law, Radboud University Nijmegen

Current events Koen

All publications, videos and podcasts by Koen