Our attorneys negotiate general terms and conditions every day

The battle of the forms, we wage it every day. We negotiate general terms and conditions, for listed foreign companies as well as SMEs. With our years of experience, we play the game tactically and remain firm on essential points without losing sight of commercial interests.

In case of disagreement over general terms and conditions, we strive for a constructive solution

As a specialist attorneys for business owners , we know that quick and appropriate response is essential. Like you, we want to prevent discussions about general terms and conditions from getting in the way of doing business. Do discussions about interpretation arise afterwards? Then we will safeguard your interests.

Get clarity

If you need legal advice, please let us know. You will be called back the same business day by one of our general terms and conditions lawyers. With our knowledge and experience in your industry, we will quickly gain an understanding of your situation. During this initial meeting, you will gain immediate clarity on the legal opportunities and challenges. Together we will discuss the next steps and what the lawyer can do for you. So you know exactly where you stand.

General conditions? Stay focused

Would you like certainty about your general terms and conditions or advice on business negotiations?
Please feel free to contact us and get personalized information about your options.

Our attorneys

What our clients say

Because of our short lines of communication with Poelmann, we have the opportunity to spar about our contracts and general terms and conditions, for example. This allows us to move forward quickly. 

Service2Fruit - Kees Diks

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