Specialists in the Environmental Law

Like you, we like to make things possible. When it comes to the Environment Act, we help you with solutions. We know how to realize building plans and area developments. In doing so, we have an eye for the relevant interests and proactively advise on the various routes we can take. It is precisely in the early stages of a project that a lot can be gained and risks can be avoided.

Of value to ongoing construction plans and developments

For the Omgevingswet, we have gathered knowledge and experience at an early stage about the consequences for current building plans and developments. Because we have extensive experience in your industry, we know exactly where we can add value. We can also advise you on planning damage, land exploitation and cost recovery under the Environment Act and on assistance with views and appeals.

Get clarity

If you would like legal advice, please let us know. You will be called back the same (working) day by one of our lawyers specialized in the Environmental Law. With our knowledge and experience in your industry, we advise on mitigating risks and actively propose solutions. In doing so, we ensure that you can see at a glance what we are advising you. For example, we can advise you on the procedure to be followed for a specific plan and provide concrete tips to shorten or simplify the procedure.

We can best help you if we are involved in the plan as early as possible. After all, then there is still room to sculpt the plan and avoid any risks.

The Environment Act? Stay sharp

Do you need advice regarding your projects and the Omgevingswet that will soon come into force?
Please feel free to contact us and be personally informed about consequences and possibilities.

Get in touch