Blaauwhof Bas

Bas Blaauwhof

Attorney-at-law: Labor

In his spare time, Bas is a defensive midfielder on the soccer field, fanatical to win. A quality he also uses when it comes to defending your interests in labor law.

In his spare time, Bas is a defensive midfielder on the soccer field, fanatical to win. A trait he also uses when it comes to defending your interests in labor law. After all, work is also a team sport, where people can be outplayed and others have to be called back. But unlike a game, in labor law both sides can win. Direct as he is, Bas will tell you right away whether that chance is there.

That Bas can switch flexibly is evident on the golf course. There too he is in his element, happily improving his shot on his own. And the third half and the 19th hole...? They both turn out to be equally enjoyable.

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