Olde Ruud

Ruud Olde

Attorney-at-law: Labor

Ruud's love for his profession is inspired by his ability to be of significance to people who put their heart and soul into their business. Like in education, but also at internationally operating companies in the industrial and production sectors.

Ruud's love for his profession is inspired by his ability to be of significance to people who put their heart and soul into their business. Like in education, but also in internationally operating companies in industry and production. Companies that stand in the middle of society, that design and make tangible things. That continues to fascinate him. Companies in this sector offer many challenges due to the wide range of labor law issues. Such as co-determination and collective bargaining processes, reorganizations and individual dismissals. But also advice on terms and conditions of employment, working conditions, liability and contracts. 

The enthusiasm of his clients is also peculiar to Ruud. With logical consequences for his working weeks, which are without exception interesting but also long and hectic. A walk with his hunting dogs Igor and Ally gives him the necessary rest.

Registered in the register of the Dutch Bar Association

  • Labor Law
  • Employees participation
  • Collective dismissal
  • Pensions
  • International labor law
Pursuant to this registration, Ruud Olde is required to obtain ten training points in this registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Order of attorneys .

My specializations

Attorney-at-law since

  • 1997


  • Member of Association of Labor Law attorneys in the court resort Arnhem (VAARA)
  • Member Association of Labor Law attorneys Netherlands (VAAN)
  • Member European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA).
  • Member of VNO-NCW Arnhem Nijmegen region 

Ancillary positions

  • Chairman supervisory board Adoption Foundation A New Way



Current events Ruud

All publications, videos and podcasts by Ruud