Benefits of a model whistleblower policy

  • You save time and effort by outsourcing model preparation
  • The model is customized by our experts and therefore foolproof
  • Optimal protection of your employees and organization in case of abuse
  • Upon receipt, within five days, you can use the model immediately

This is how the whistleblower application works

Step 1. Be sure to provide the following information using the form on this page

  • Company name;
  • Applicant details:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number

Step 2. Confirmation of application

You will be contacted within 2 business days to request additional information. After this, you will receive confirmation and the whistleblower policy will be customized for you. You will receive the whistleblower policy and accompanying advice within 5 business days.

Whistleblower protection is mandatory for all companies. By investing in protecting your employees and your company, you are in a better position to prevent wrongdoing and if necessary address it (internally).

Request the model whistleblower policy directly

Would you like to request the model whistleblower policy directly? You can submit your information using the form. You will be contacted within 2 business days to request additional information. The model whistleblower policy and advice will be prepared as soon as you confirm the assignment. Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us via the button below.

Whistleblower request form

Stay Focused

Feel free to contact us at or by phone at 024-3810801.
